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  • FreeChinaVisa : Visa Forms


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Fremont, CA 94539

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Please check your document against this 2024 documents list. 旧金山领馆2024 文件清单

点击查看2024 Q2探亲签证申请材料。如果邀请人是中国公民,必须提供邀请人的身份证复印件和邀请函,邀请函请全部打印或是全部手写,中国地址必须写中文,领馆有可能会要求提供关系证明文件。

General sample invitation letter邀请信.

Sample invitation letter for Q2 & S2 visa/邀请信模板.


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Holiday Notice

The San Francisco Chinese Consulate and our offices are closed on:
12/25/2024 ~ 12/27/2024
01/27/2025 ~ 01/31/2025
10/01/2025 ~ 10/03/2025
11/27/2025 ~ 11/28/2025

Chinese Visa Application Forms

Please check 2024 documents list. 旧金山领馆 2024 文件清单

Please fill out Chinese Visa Application online Form (Please choose the correct consulate to submit according to your consulor district), one for each visa applicant, you could use Google Chrome browser to open and edit it online, submit, then print it out.

Since the form is designed under Letter size paper not A4 size paper, you might need to adjust your printer when you print it out.

Please make sure your form was printed completely.

Tips for filling out visa application:

  1. 请按系统提示要求,逐项完成签证申请在线填表的内容,务必确保信息属实且准确无误。申请表提交后,表格无法进行修改,如内容有任何改动、漏填、误填,须重新填写并提交新的确认页和签证表格。 Please follow the system prompts and complete the contents of the online visa application form one by one, making sure that the information is true and accurate. After the application form is submitted, the form cannot be modified. If there is any change, omission or mistake in the content, you must fill in and submit a new confirmation page and visa form.

  2. 递交签证申请的地点必须是按照居住地选择的领馆。The place of submitting the visa application must be chosen according to the residence address.

  3. 填写姓名、性别、出生日期、护照号码等必须与所持护照上的相应信息完全一致。如英文名字中有横线,请务必用空格代替。Filling in the name, gender, date of birth, passport number, etc. must be exactly the same as the corresponding information on the passport held. If there is a horizontal line in the English name, please be sure to replace it with a space.
    Note: 如果您有中间名,请确保它包含在Given Name中。请确保申请表上的姓名与您护照上的姓名完全一致。 If you have middle name, it should be included in the Given name. Please make sure the name on application form exactly match your name on the passport.

  4. 请尽量将照片上传成功,如照片上传不成功,请认真按照签证照片的要求,重新拍摄照片。不成功的原因多为额头或耳朵部位有遮挡物(头发),请将额头和耳朵全部露出,不要有头帘。Please try your best to upload the photo successfully. If the photo upload is unsuccessful, please carefully follow the visa photo requirements and take a new photo. The reason for the failure is that there are coverings (hair) on the forehead or ears. Please expose the forehead and ears without a head curtain.

  5. 如出生地为中国或曾有中国国籍,须在“本族裔语言姓名”处用简体中文填写您的中文姓名。请勿填写“中文” “汉语”等字样

  6. 如曾有中国国籍,请在“是否曾经拥有其他国籍或者居民身份”处选择“是”,“曾有国籍或居民身份”处选择填写“中国”,并根据是否第一次申请中国签证,按要求填写相关信息

  7. 请如实填写护照类型。 Please fill in the passport type truthfully.

  8. 请按照申请人赴华目的如实填写签证种类。Please fill in the visa type truthfully according to the applicant's purpose of going to China.

  9. 请务必按要求填写教育背景(最高学历)、家庭情况、国际旅行信息、以往旅行信息和以往中国签证信息。Please be sure to fill in the educational background (the highest degree), family situation, international travel information, previous travel information and previous Chinese visa information as required.

  10. 填写完毕后,请打印出确认页和所有签证表格(一般情况下为9页)并在确认页、签证表格最后一页相应处签字。申请表必须 是打印版,不可手写。请将确认页打印在一张纸上,并确认每张纸质表格上方的条形码清晰、完整。After filling, please print out the confirmation page and all visa forms (9 pages in general) and sign on the confirmation page and the last page of the visa form. The application form must be printed and not handwritten. Please print the confirmation page on a piece of paper and confirm that the barcode above each paper form is legible and complete.

  11. 申请表中“近1年曾访问的国家”请务必参考您的护照如实填报。Please be sure to refer to your passport and fill in the "Countries visited in the past 12 months" in the application form.

  12. 关于签名: 申请人本人填表的,请在签证申请表确认页下方,及表格第8页9.1A处请申请人务必签名。 如由他人代填申请表,填表时代填人信息需要完成。打印后,申请人需要在确认页和申请表格第8页9.1A处签写名字和日期。 代填人需要在表格第8页9.2E处签写代填人的姓名及日期。About signature: If the applicant fills out the form by himself, please sign at the bottom of the confirmation page of the visa application form and at 9.1A on page 8 of the form. If someone else fills out the application form, the person's information needs to be completed when filling out the form. After printing, the applicant needs to sign and date on the confirmation page and 9.1A on page 8 of the application form. The filling person needs to sign the filling person's name and date at 9.2E on page 8 of the form.


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