For American Citizens
Number of Entry | Consular Fee |
Single Entry | $140 |
Double Entry | $140 |
Multiple Entry for 6 Months | $140 |
Multiple Entry for 12 Months | $140 |
Multiple Entry up to 10 Years | $140 |
For Canadian CitizensNumber of Entry | Consular Fee |
Single Entry | $60 |
Double Entry | $60 |
Multiple Entry for 6 Months | $60 |
Multiple Entry for 12 Months | $60 |
Multiple Entry up to 10 Years | $60 |
For Citizens of other countriesNumber of Entry | Consular Fee |
Single Entry | $23 |
Double Entry | $34 |
Regular processing time is 7 working days. Regular service fee is
$140 per visa.
For total turnaround time, please add return shipping days.
Express service: 4 working days, additional
$25 consular fee and additional
$30 service fee will be added per visa.
Express service need to provide round trip airline ticket which leave USA within 15 calendar days.
China S2 Visa (Other Family Visit) Application
What is a China S2 Visa (Other Family Visit) ?
S2 Visa is issued to those who intend to visit their family members who are foreigners working or studying in China, or to those who intend to go to China for other private matters. The intended duration of stay in China is no more than 180 days.
"Family members" refers to spouses, parents, sons, daughters, spouses of sons or daughters, brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandsons, granddaughters and parents-in-law.
Basic Documents:
- Passport
Original passport with at least six months of remaining validity and blank visa pages, and a photocopy of the passport's data page and the photo page if it is separate.
- Visa Application Form and Photo
One completed and signed COVA form and confirmation page. If photo uploading was failed during filling COVA form, please attach a passport photo.
18岁以下申请者请注意: 无论是否是第一次申请中国签证,必须提交出生纸的复印件,父母护照及绿卡的复印件;如果曾有签证, 请提供复印件。
If the applicant is under age 18, please provide photocopy of the kid's Birth Certificate and photocopy of parents passport(and green card).
If the application had China visa before, please provide a photocopy of previous China visa.
- Proof of legal stay or residence status (applicable to those not applying for the visa in their country of citizenship)
If you are not applying for the visa in the country of your citizenship, you must provide the original and photocopy of your valid visa of stay, residence, employment or student status of the country where you are currently staying.
出生在中国大陆的华人请注意:第一次申请中国签证必须提交中国护照原件和照片页的复印件; 如果中国护照上的名字与外籍护照上名字不一致, 请提供改名文件。
Photocopy of previous Chinese passports or previous Chinese visas (applicable to those who were Chinese citizens and have obtained foreign citizenship)
If you are applying for a Chinese visa for the first time, you should provide your previous Chinese passport and a photocopy of its data page.
If you have obtained Chinese visas before and want to apply for a Chinese visa with a renewed foreign passport that does not contain any Chinese visa, you should present the photocopy of the previous passport's data page and the photo page if it is separate, as well as the previous Chinese visa page. (If your name on the current passport differs from that on the previous one, you must provide an official document of name change.)
Supporting Documents:
For visiting family members for a short period, the following documents are required:
(1) An invitation letter issued by the inviting individual (a foreigner who stays or resides in China for work or studies) which contains:
- Information on the applicant (full name, gender, date of birth, etc.)
- Information on the visit (purpose of visit, arrival and departure dates, place(s) to be visited, relations between the applicant and the inviting individual, financial source for expenditures, etc.)
- Information on the inviting individual (name, contact telephone number, address, signature, etc.)
(2) A photocopy of the inviting individual's (a foreigner who stays or lives in China for work or studies) passport and residence permit.
(3) Photocopy of certification (marriage certificate, birth certificate or notarized certification of kinship) showing the relationship of family members between the applicant and the inviting individual.
"Family members" refers to spouses, parents, sons, daughters, spouses of sons or daughters, brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandsons, granddaughters and parents-in-law.
Here's a
sample invitation letter.
For private affairs, documentation identifying the nature of the private affairs should be provided as required by the consular officer.
Special Reminder
- The invitation letter may be in the form of fax, photocopy or computer printout, but the consular officer may require the applicant to submit the original of the invitation letter.
- If necessary, the consular officer may require the applicant to provide other documents or supplementary materials, or require an interview with the applicant.
- The consular officer will decide on whether or not to issue the visa and on its validity, duration of stay and number of entries in light of specific conditions of the applicant.
- According to China-U.S. Agreement on Mutual Granting of Multiple-Entry Visas Valid for One Year to Business and Tourist Travelers, the U.S. citizens may apply for a single-entry or double-entry, or a multiple-entry "F"/"L"/"M" visa valid for half a year or one year.
- If you are a U.S.-born child with one or two Chinese parents, and apply for a Chinese visa for the first time, please read Documentations Required for U.S.-Born Children with Chinese Descent.
Need other China Visa ?